One thought on “BOTH HALLS: 42nd New Mexico State Round Dance Festival 2023

  1. New Mexico Round Dance Association’s Annual Festival in September Changing it’s Format and Levels

    Many of you know about our annual state festival in September each year and many have been super good for so many years to support us with your presence. As you also know we had to cancel our festival last year due to just not enough registration one month before when we had to decide to cancel or pay the entire amount for the hall. We are sorry for that.

    We have decided to take a different tac this year. The level is moving to Phase II-IV from IV, V, & VI!! We have 6 instructor couples either cuing only or also teaching and cueing. Our featured leaders are Paul & Linda Robinson from Oolagah, Oklahoma!! Two of these instructor teams are from Colorado as well, Andrith Davis/Michael Turley and Denise and Gene Berens will be cueing. The other 5 teachers are from New Mexico, Randy & Lorraine Pratt and Bob & Sally Nolen will be teaching too. Our newest instructor is from Roswell, NM, Tamara Mendoza, Andrith Davis’s daughter who will be cueing too.

    We will have both halls at the Albuquerque Square Dance Center going the entire weekend!! We are hoping many of you will attend this year to help us build round dancing back up in New Mexico. We hope we can get a large number of dancers from from our state in attendance.

    As in the past we will have the LaQuinta Inn as our host hotel. Get your reservations early since they will be doing some remodeling and may not have all their rooms available.

    Bob & Sally Nolen
    Presidents New Mexico Round Dance Association

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